What would happen should the destruction of the sea, together with the overfishing and elimination of sharks remain unanswered? A catastrophe of unimaginable proportions would be the result... and our society moves towards this event. This final chapter can never be allowed to be written. That is why SharKnights has been launched. SharKnights is a teaching organisation that educates children of all ages and cultures about the plight of the oceans and their inhabitents, lead by the most abundant top predators - the sharks!
Sharknights Offers Free Lectures

SharKnights and SharkSchool Teaching develop and distribute lectures on sharks for children between the age of 6 and 15 years.
Lectures Overview ...
Save Our Oceans - Become a SharKnight

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We Cherish Your Enthusiasm

The more we know what works in your country, within your culture, the better the lectures will be that we can prepare for you.
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