Discription Slide 9-16

Tyrannus = Tyrant; sauros = lizard; rex = king. T. rex was the most feared predator (an animal that hunts other animals) ever. This animal could remove over 200kg of flesh with one bite.

Over 12m long, with a weight of 7 tons. The post powerful predator ever. Even with his tiny arms it could lift 200 kg which is about 3-4 times more than a person can.

The “T. rex of the ocean” was “Megalodon,” a shark that was at least 15m long with a weight of 50 tons.

Length relationship between, Megalodon, whale shark and white shark. The largest white shark ever caught was 7.3m long and weighted about 3.5 tons.

There are a lot of fossil teeth around. On average, a shark produces between 20,000 and 30,000 teeth throughout its life. The tooth of a Megalodon (seen here) is fossilized. Fossilized teeth are brown or black. When alive, Megalodon teeth were white as well.